quotes "Fuck You" Money There's no point having 'fuck you' money if you aren't going to say 'fuck you' -- JK Rowling
quotes Voting Machine Requirements Voting machines must meet two requirements. They must count the vote accurately, and people must believe they count the vote accurately. The second requirement is distinct from and just as important as the first. -- Jeff Bezos
quotes Being powerful is like being a lady. Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't. -- Margaret Thatcher
quotes In the Name of Saving Democracy In the name of saving democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it -- R.F. Kennedy Jr. (source)
quotes Fascism and communism Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion -- Hayek
censorship Think Before You Post! Think before you post! We can't stop street crime AND online crime so if you post more lies we have less resources to stop rapists, muggers and thieves
bureaucracy Checks & Balances Bureaucracy interprets checks & balances as damage and routes around them.
biden The President’s a Vegetable The president’s a vegetable He lives in the white house I would do anything to keep him alive He has a big green screen It’s called an fake office I would do anything to keep him alive He wears his big depends Holding what his asshole sends I
covidiocy Immunity Q: What is the difference between the Covid vaccine and a Supreme Court decision? A: The Supreme Court can actually give you immunity
biden Elder Abuse Demonstrated June 14 - Joe Biden warns about elder abuse June 27 - Joe Biden gives a live demonstration on CNN