quotes Floods are acts of God "Floods are 'acts of God' but flood losses are largely acts of man." -- Gilbert F White
quotes if I will still be able to vote in Chicago “I'm a bit curious…to see, like others who have gone before me, if I will still be able to vote in Chicago.” -- Senator Bob Dole (farewell letter, read at his funeral December 2021)
quotes JK Rowling on Transgender Activists Perhaps – and I’m just throwing this out there – the best way to prove your movement isn’t a threat to women, is to stop stalking, harassing and threatening us. JK Rowling
WhereIsPengShuai Dear WTA (WhereIsPengShuai) Dear WTA, I am on a tour to Xinjiang to see how the new tennis camp for Uighur children is going. Love Peng xoxox #WhereIsPengShuai
biden Allegiance to the Red Flag I pledge allegiance to the red flag and acknowledge that there is one god Marx and Mao is his prophet By the way Hunter needs a couple of million ASAP
2a Lebron James vs Kyle Rittenhouse Q: What's the difference between Lebron James & Kyle Rittenhouse A: Kyle doesn't miss shots under pressure